duminică, 1 iunie 2014

Bolta pentru trandafiri

...sau roses arches...

Nu am avut timp să traduc textul, dar cu puțină atenție la imagini, e un proiect ușor de realizat.

Making the Arches
The curved top pieces are made of two layers of 2 x 6 segments fastened together with screws and exterior glue. Each layer is half an octagon, rotated 22.5 degrees apart so the segments overlap. To lay out the curved pieces, first make a template of the arch; a stick with a pencil hole bored in one end and a nail driven at the other works as a compass. Cut the mitered segments to length, then temporarily screw the template to each arch set and trace the curve. After you’ve cut to the curved lines on each piece , screw the template to a layer of segments, spread glue and clamp a second layer to the first. Then drive the screws and remove the template. Although cedar is soft enough to take a screw without a pilot hole, it’s a good idea to bore clearance holes in the top pieces. This allows the screws to draw the pieces tightly together. When the glue is dry, sand the curved edges smooth.

Assembling the Top
This part is tricky because the arches must be upside down to attach the arch crossties. We solved the problem by clamping 1 x 6s along the tops of two sawhorses so they were parallel to each other and 47 in. apart (the diameter of the arches). Then, we blocked up the arches so their ends were flush with the top surfaces of the 1 x 6s and clamped them in place . With the arches stabilized, screw the crossties to the arch ends . Flip the assembly over and check for square. Use a piece of wood as a spacer when nailing the strips across the arches .

Side Panel Construction
To build perfectly square side panels, we drew the post positions directly on the garage floor . You could also draw on plywood. Nail horizontal lattice strips at the tops and bottoms of the posts, again using a small piece of wood as a spacer . Flip the assembly over and temporarily screw a diagonal strip to the opposite side to keep things square . Add the remaining horizontal strips, and screw the lattice crossties to the tops of the posts. Nail the verticals from the inside, angling the nails so they don’t poke through .

Putting It All Together
Make a template for the curved knees that brace the side corners. Cut the knees from 2 x 6 stock and screw them to the posts and crossties . Clamp the side panels to the arch and screw the arch and lattice crossties together . Then add the beveled rain cap over the arch crosstie. This helps keep water from pooling on the crosstie surfaces. Until the arbor is in place, screw temporary braces across the bottoms of the posts to prevent flexing.

sursa: www.alibre.com - Popular mechanics

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